Linda and Albert Log
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2015.04.04  Alec Turns Two

2014.08.31  Dirty Habit Dinner
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2013.05.13  Alec
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2012.06.18  Tracys Final Foie Battle
TAGS: foie, dishcrawl, los gatos

2012.06.16  Melisse
TAGS: foie, los angeles

2012.06.14  Incanto
TAGS: foie, san francisco

2012.06.13  Fifth Floor Foie
TAGS: foie, san francisco

2012.05.22  Chez TJ
TAGS: dinner, mountain view

2012.05.17  Masa SF
TAGS: dinner, san francisco

2012.05.10  Sent Sovi Foie Dishcrawl
TAGS: dishcrawl, saratoga, sent sovi, foie

2012.05.06  Keiko Nob Hill
TAGS: san francisco, foie, dinner

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Linda and Albert Log is made by Albert.
More information is not forthcoming at this time.
